“BLU-JAY” IS A PROBLEM!! …and he’s wasting no time making sure we know it! With a first week 2020 release (BLU-FLAME), BLU dropped a solid piece of work, and this is actually his debut project which after listening is hard to believe! Top to bottom, features included, this album is worth a listen. If you can recall his previous releases this summer (MOONROCC N PETRO FEAT YBA COOP / CASH WARS FEAT DAVE SKILLZ) He left us on the hook for a while hinting of an album release and after a few months, him and ISML were able to squeeze what is rumored to be only a small fraction of what they’re prepared to release on his behalf this year. Featured artists include (Dave Skillz, YBA Coop, and Nino Peso) BLU-FLAME is available on all digital media platforms and is powered by Infamous Sound Music Line, Mystics Entertainment, and the Inkymax Agency. Engineered by Level Up Sound.
Follow the team @blujay_30 @ismlofficial @mysticsent @inkymaxagency @levelupsound_
Stream on Apple https://music.apple.com/us/album/blu-flame/1493723102
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