Unique voice from Southern Louisiana offers insight into broken system with new single ‘Setup’
BATON ROUGE, LA – Finding out that something doesn’t work the way you thought it did is a hard pill to swallow. When that revelation comes in the form of lack of support from the government you’ve relied upon, the bitter pill becomes a hardship that can lead to difficult times for many people.
Baton Rouge artist LadyCharlene knows all about that bait-and-switch game often associated with “the system.” And she brings attention to that truth with her new single “Setup,” currently available across all streaming platforms.
As a woman who spent half of her childhood in the foster care system, she has first-hand experience with how government subsidized programs often fail the people they’re created to help. That disappointment is one of the things she talks about in the song, while also using her voice to give listeners a heads up about what could come if they over-rely on similar systems.
“Government assistance isn’t helping you propel in life,” she said. “It’s actually hindering you because there are a lot of limitations that come with it. Growing up in urban areas, you can become a statistic and fall victim to things around you instead of getting out of it. The system is a setup – it’s not there for you. And this song brings that to light while also telling people that me as an artist, I’m not going back to that.”
LadyCharlene said the song presents more of a laid back vibe in its conscious-forward lyrical outpouring. That’s just one example of the types of music she creates, however. For the past five years, she’s been a professional songwriter – some of that time spent in Los Angeles – writing anything from Country songs to Rock to Pop and everything in between. She makes beats and writes songs and has a catalog of songs written across all genres. But of late, she’s wanted to create music that is all her own and showcases her unique voice and talent. “Setup” is the first of a handful of singles she plans to release this year to do just that – to let the world know who she is and what she represents in the world of music.
“I don’t sound like anyone else out there or anyone who has come before,” she said. “I’m also not so caught up in the fame or signing to a major record deal. Music makes me happy. It saved my life. Before I picked up a pen and started writing when I was 13 years old, I was self-destructive and suicidal. I didn’t have a family or a support system, and poetry and music were the only way I could express myself. Music helped me stop trying to commit suicide and I discovered this profound love for myself. I started to feel like I was worth it. I found a purpose for my life and I realized that I’ve been put here to go through all of this so I can write about it and help other people who are going through it. More than anything, I want my music to be relatable to people – of course to make them dance and move and evoke emotion – but mostly to motivate them and encourage them and help them through whatever hard times they’re going through.”
In addition to “Setup,” LadyCharlene has also released “Don’t Stop” and will drop “That One” in the next couple of months. She’s also working on music videos for those singles.
To listen to LadyCharlene’s music or to follow her on social media, please visit:
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