Customers have expressed to us that they want the heritage of Harlem to come alive.
Working with community partners, such as the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and the Apollo Theater, Harlem Heritage Tours have developed a series of multimedia bus / walking tours that present archival video and sound at the very sight where history happened – this method keeps the human touch while bringing the past to life – this is a first in the industry.
Across the planet individuals and organizations are exploring ways to incorporate community involvement into the design and development of tourism products and services. The goal is to respect the privacy and integrity of those who live and work in Harlem, and at the same time expose visitors to all that makes Harlem special. Because of our sensitivity, we receive more support from grass roots Harlem than any other tourism company in the community.
Over the past ten years we have met people from all over the world and we feel that tourism is a great tool to promote positive domestic relationships and heightened foreign diplomacy.
We look forward to another exciting twenty years in the business and look forward to seeing you in Harlem soon. Mr. Shoemaker can be reached at email: loveharlem@aol.com and www.harlemheritage.com
Neal conducting walking tour on C – Span
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facebook = https://business.facebook.com/harlemtour/?business_id=1947497678896546
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