Sweet Tooth is best known for putting down memorable verses with stellar delivery on his work with Clay James, in their group “Southern Playas” and touring with Snoop Dogg. But today, A Pimp Named Sweet Tooth spread his wings and showed his versatility on the re-release of his solo project which he remastered and gives us 5 bonus tracks. This tape is available on all digital platforms distributed through Playas Club Music Group/EMPIRE. Playas Club Music Group is an imprint co-founded by Sweet Tooth and his counter part Clay James in hopes of one day giving opportunities to inspiring MCs from Greenville, Savannah, & Atlanta.
Stay Connected
@PimpSweetTooth @Empire
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/album/3G6GuxkuVQpiXmB3VNBgyA?si=CtpagBBNSIK5f_XkDfuXMQ
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